This is me in 2013 just before my first long distance ride from North to South America, and the one that would change everything.

About Me

Phone: 613-701-3173

Cell: 613-293-4684


I was born in the Northern part of the Netherlands and moved with my parents to Salt Lake City, Utah when I was 1 year old. Moved back and forth many times between Holland and the US until I was 16 years old and then moved back to the Netherlands where I got married, had two kids and then 15 years later moved to Canada. I have done tons of motorcycle riding throughout most of Europe, and now the same in Canada and the USA.

I have been self-employed since 1984, and never used to take a day off until one day I realized that I too was not immortal.

So back in mid 2013 it was finally time to go and see what another kind of lifestyle was really all about or is it all just an illusion.


Read my Blog and see how it all begun on a adventure trip and where I am today. I hope that you can get Inspired to follow whatever your dream is as I did mine.



Contact Me

Me in June of 2013Bolivia landscape view
